Friday 10 July 2009

Leadership and Management Programme

In May I visited the beautiful Alpenrose facility in Bavaria. The trip was part of the Leadership and Management programme and proved to be an excellent finale to the group experience of the programme. The surroundings of Bavaria proved uplifting, with the striking Alpine scenes inspirational and each day presenting another aspect of natural beauty to wonder at. We were welcomed warmly by the staff of My Peak Potential, the University partner operating the Alpenrose facility and throughout the whole experience their friendly and gentle support proved invaluable in coaching us through fairly challenging tasks.

Though based in different areas of the University we soon formed a strong and supportive team, reducing the potential anxiety of the challenges of the experience greatly and it is this that must be the most important learning point of the trip for me. We all have tough jobs to do but with the considerate support of colleagues the burden is shared, the outcomes improved and the experience positive. The tasks we undertook all had a physical aspect and this made the excellent cooking of the chef Herbert Muller even more inviting, with his traditional dishes proving supremely wholesome and universally loved by the group!

Lawrence Bellamy - Faculty of Business and Law

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